Health Office
Health Office Resources
Medication Authorization Immunization Form MSHSL Physical Form
Ruth DesJardins
School Nurse
Margaret McGladdery
Health Assistant
Teresa Foss
Health Assistant
Sonja Westercamp
Building RN
Student Illness
Students who become ill or injured during the school day must report to the school Health Office. If it is necessary to go home, the nurse or health assistant will inform the parent/guardian, document the student’s name and write the student a pass to leave the building.
If the student leaves school without a written pass from the health office, his/her absence will be considered truancy.
If it is necessary to take any medication during the school day, the student must bring the medication and a note from their parent/guardian to the health office. This includes prescription and over the counter medication.
Medication must be in the original labeled container. If the medication will be taken for longer than two weeks, a doctor’s order is also required.
Health concerns and medication orders must be communicated and renewed each school year. Students should feel free to discuss any health related problems with the school nurse.